You want to be a green philanthropist but don’t know how to go about it? Then, try doing this.
Look around to see if you can find any mechanical or industrial equipment that have gone obsolete and could end up at a dump site.
Do some creative thinking to see if there are any parts and components that you can salvage to create something out of the ordinary.
Selling this eco creation will make you “green” but don’t stop there. Gain yourself that “Green Philanthropist” title by encouraging your potential buyers to consider donating a sum for a cause you support towards owning it.
Don’t think that will work?
Then you obviously have not heard about Tim Zemanovic, the CEO of Aircraft Demolition, LLC.
Take a look at the High Top Table that his company created from components of aircraft engines. How cool is that?
This is what he will be offering the highest bidder during the MRO Americas 2013 event in Atlanta, GA. The money received will go towards the
Aviation Student Scholarship Fund that they have set up.
You can check out this eco creation at their booth #1919. Note that the bidding closes at 11am EST on 18 April, 2013.
Good luck in your bid.
Way to go, Tim.