Monday 31 December 2007

Folding t-shirts? Get the cardboards ready.

My mother-in-law has been through my closet, so she has seen how messy it can be each time my children rummaged through the drawers for their clothes. To avoid being embarrassed and branded a "messy person", I have resort to hanging all my children's clothes on hangers. I can do that because I have a walk-in wardrobe with large closet space.

If like me, you do not like the notion that your children will grow up deemed inefficient, then it is time to teach them some folding tricks.

Here is an upgraded packable version.


sumjackie said...

Wow! Looks easy. Have you tried? Does it work? I suppose u need separate template for adults & kids. Like to make it a project for my children.


Nancy Poh said...

I have tried. It will work better if the T-shirts are not washed out of shape. I think this is a good way to get the kids interested in learning something domestic. Can trick them into folding all the Tees when the job is done like a game.