Friday 20 June 2008

Why throw away food?

With prices of food going up, the question we should ask ourselves before we consider throwing away any food is, "Why are we throwing away our food?".

Here are some possible answers with links to solutions I discovered.

1) I did not learn the basic of cooking so I tend to cook in access of need. Sometimes the dish did not turn out well due to my inexperience.

2) I do know not how to cook with leftovers. Maybe I should join a forum about cooking?

3) I did not know what I have that foodstuff in my fridge and discovered it too late. How long should I keep that in my fridge?

4) I did not know that there are people around with insufficient to eat. Where can I send my excess food to?

5) I did not know that some local food outlets and franchises discard their stock about 3 days before their expiry dates, just to maintain their standards for freshness. If I can collect such food, surplus, distressed or damaged food and grocery items where can I send them to?

6) I did not know that I can start a Community Kitchen with of donated food and grocery product? Other than through donations, how would a non profit organisation like Second Harvest in America run?

7) Where else can I learn about making use of leftovers? How about from those in the record-setting food recovery programs highlighted by EPA?

8) What other facts should I know about?

What about those who eat out or do take-aways? Maybe you should first find out how others are rating drinks, food or outlets you intend to eat at. If the ratings are high on the food you picked, there would be nothing left on your plate to waste.

So, before you throw your food away, find out if they are any ideas here that you can make use of.

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